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      Randy Wall's surname may not be "Woodworth", but he is most certainly genetically related to Walter Woodworth b abt 1612 of Scituate.     We just don't know how.  His DNA matches Walter Woodworth perfectly at the 37 marker level.  His Wall ancestry goes back to about 1780 to Roscrea Co. Tipperary, Ireland. (Yes -- Ireland! )   Randy's ancestral origin in Ireland may give a clue eventually as to where Walter b abt 1612 or Walter's kinfolk lived in England (or Ireland?).
      Randy is a performing artist, playing at major events in Minnesota, and has played for the king and queen of Sweden.   In his younger days, he performed across the US.  Below, he's playing for Santa. 
      That's Randy playing in the background -- a medley of "Over the River and Through the Woods" and "Jingle Bells" from his CD album "Play It Again, Santa". 
 (And in response to my question, he said, yes, he still had a few around that could be sold.)  Email:

Can't hear the background music and not using Internet Exlorer because
you're using Firefox or other browser?  Then click here to hear Rand play.


Randy on red piano once owned by Elton John.  The piano was donated
by Elton John to a Las Vegas charity auction, and has Elton's autograph.


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