Road Trip to Woodworth Ancestor Land
Cambridge, NY

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Our William (Walter>Benjamin>Caleb>William) migrated to Cambridge, NY.,  and is buried in the "Old White Church Cemetery" along with several of his children and some members of  their families.  In the background is the Presbyterian Church the Woodworths attended. This church building replaced an earlier one which was on an adjacent lot. 

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Cemetery's sign.

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My left hand is on William's stone, and my right hand on his wife's Mary Lott's stone. 

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The flag signifies that "Lieutenant William Woodworth" (ggggf) fought in the Revolutionary War.

The first eleven stones down the row are all Woodworth stones, including (gggf) Lott and Aseneth (gggm).

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Again, William and Mary's stones.

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Interior of the the Presbyterian Church adjacent to the cemetery.  The Woodworths were charter members of the church and its successive buildings.  

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Interior of the the Presbyterian Church.

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Interior of the the Presbyterian Church.

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Bill and I were unaware at the time of our visit that the home of William's son Lott, g-g-grandfather to Bill and I, was right across the corner diagonally from the Presbyterian Church.  It was just one block south of the Old White Church Cemetery.  It is now a florist's shop and liquor store.  Lott would be so chagrined that his home is now a liquor store.

This picture and information comes to us from Roger Ashton, a recently discovered relative who lives in Cambridge. 

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Cambridge's renovated train depot.  There is an excursion train that travels from here.

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Near Cambridge's library is a commemorative pavilion, and one of the markers is this plaque showing William Woodworth as revolutionary veteran.

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We sought out Cambridge local George Woodworth, center, as a probable fellow descendant of William.  His ancestor's property was located in the same area as William's.   Turns out that we're all descended from 5th generation Lott Woodworth.

George's line is:


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