Woodworth Reunion 2005


     On June 12th, 2005, descendants of Walter Woodworth, who was born in Stowe, Staffordshire, England, in 1608 and settled in Scituate, MA, held a reunion in Plymouth, MA, a few miles south of where Walter settled.  These pictures were taken over the four day event. 
     Lowell Woodworth of Florida got the reunion together for us, and all had a grand time.  Our thanks to a talented Lowell for a great job.
  (Click on pictures to enlarge)
The reunion was headquartered in the Governor Bradford motel.

We met in the lobby of the Governor Bradford Sunday afternoon, June 12.

June 13 was "see Scituate day".

June 14 was "do your own thing day", as there was a lot to see in the area.

June 15, Wed. morn, we met for planning the 2007 reunion.

To the left outside the picture is Plymouth Rock.

Sunday afternoon in the lobby.  Although the weather had been cold before we got there, it turned hot during our stay.  For our final meeting Wednesday morning, the temperature dropped to 57.

They let us know we were too noisy to stay in the lobby, and later meetings were by the pool.

Dorothy, Alta, and Carol on the divan.

The start of our Sunday evening meeting, with early arrivals.
Betty Woodworth (wife of Marvin "Woody" Woodworth of OK,  Kirk and Marilyn Woodworth of MI.  (Brother of Marv.)
Lowell Woodworth, our leader, taking mug shots of all, this one of Scott Bill Hirst

On left is Ben Evans of MA.

Ben and Phyllis went home early due to other commitments. 

Lowell and Kathy Woodworth, FL.

Our thanks to Lowell for a great job in getting the reunion together. 

Carolyn and John Rogers of Medford, MA, at Scituate's Historical Society.

Monday was "tour of Scituate" day.  We met at the Scituate Historical Society, and then went in different directions to Scituate attractions on our own ... if we could find them.  Without a map, all is hopeless. 

Gary and Pat Kelly of  MD, with Lowell Woodworth, finding directions to Woodworth attractions.
Gray Curtis, Scituate Historical Society's historian, and Bruce Woodworth  (in red shirt).
Left to right:  Gary and Pat Kelly, Bob Woodworth (green shirt), Lowell (back turned), Kirk Woodworth, John Rogers (dark shirt), Carolyn Rogers, Marilyn Woodworth.

(Reminder:  Click on pics for enlarged view.)

L to R, Bob Woodworth,  Melanie Woodworth of WI, Scott Woodworth of FL, Debbie, Lowell, and Gary.
L to R: Bruce, Scott, Debbie, Lowell (near camera), Gary.
(Same bunch as above ... different view)
Kirk, Carolyn, Marilyn, John
Bob Woodworth, Carol St. John, Bruce Woodworth


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