Road Trip to Woodworth Ancestor Land
 Lebanon and Columbia, CT

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The road trip of Bill and Virginia Woodworth, and of Marvin "Woody" and Betty Woodworth, began when we all joined up at Newport, RI.  

First thing we did was drive up over the border to Massachusetts for a nice visit with Barbara and Fred Fluck.  Barbara's Woodworth ancestors were in Nova Scotia.  You can view her line on the Woodworth Descendancy Lines page
L to R:  Marvin ("Woody"), Bill, Virginia, Barbara, & Fred.
Marvin's wife Betty took the picture.

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The next day we went to Colombia, CT.  We thought we could find material here at Yeoman's Hall, but it just had the indexes to deeds.  

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The people at Yeoman's Hall were very helpful, and allowed us to see view the deed indexes which dated around the 1700s.  The deed index for Columbia, CT, contained many references to Woodworths.  

      They told us that the actual deeds were at city hall.  

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  While at Yeoman's Hall, I took 16 digital pictures of the deed index.  Here are the other 15.   You can double click on each one for an enlarged view.  The detail is pretty good for the low light and close up with a digital camera.

   These pics can save you a trip to Yeoman's Hall.

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We stopped by Columbia's oldest cemetery, The Old Yard, which has been full for some time.  There are many Woodworths buried here, but the stones are becoming illegible.  Couldn't stay long because we had lot of territory to cover that day.

I'd like to come back on a day when the light is just right and take pictures of all of the Woodworth stones with my digital camera.  That may be a while.

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One tombstone in the Old Yard that could be read easily was Sarah Woodworth, daughter of Eliphalat and Priscilla.  Eliphalat is #107 in the Behan book.   The inscription reads

daughter of Eliphalat &
Priscilla Woodworth
died March 18, 1796
in the 3 year of her age


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Here is a stone for another of Eliphalet's children, Zerviah Woodworth.  It is too illegible to make out some words.  However, the date of death is clear, and according to legible areas and the the date provided in the Jeanette Behan book, this has to be Zerviah's stone.  It reads:
            In memory of  ...  
           ...... Woodworth 
          daughter of Mr 
          Eliphalet and Mrs 
         Priscilla Woodworth
          ... departed this life 
             Jan 18, 1810
         in the 25th year of  her age 


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From The Old Yard in Columbia, we went to Lebanon's City Hall.  Didn't really find anything due to time constraints, but did take pictures of some more books with Woodworth names in them.  I forget what the books were about -- more deed indexes?

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From Lebanon's City Hall, we went to Lebanon's library.  In front of the library is this commemorative sign.  Nearby is Trumbull's house and barn. P5180033.jpg (301012 bytes)
The Lebanon library and historical center.

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Bill and Woody donated a copy of Jeanette Behan's "Walter Woodworth ..." book to the Lebanon library and historical center.

Walter's son Benjamin is buried in this locale somewhere, but there's no progress in finding his burial site.

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Lebanon's Trumbull Cemetery on the northeast side of Lebanon.  Didn't have time to search for Woodworth headstones.  We had to find "The Woodworth Headstone By the Side of the Road" west of Lebanon.

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Bill took us to the "Woodworth Headstone By the Side of the Road" south of Columbia and west of Lebanon in the countryside. He had discovered it several years earlier on another trip. 

This has quite a story behind it.  The area around the stone, until a about ten years ago, had returned to a forested state with no roads.  A narrow road was cut through, and houses began appearing gradually.  The new homeowner, in preparing a driveway, struck a flat rock and began digging.  They discovered this headstone in pristine condition, and placed it caringly next to the road beside their driveway.  The stone is that of Constant Woodworth, who died of smallpox on Apr 13, 1777 at the age of 49.

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